Monthly Archives: July 2021

Saving the Rhino

I was asked by a friend to make a plate with a rhino on it for the charity he is working for, and so far am rather please with the result. Ideas do not come to me easily, so when someone asks for something I’ve not thought about and somehow it rings a bell…. well you can see for yourself what can happen. This pot will not be fired till the day before our ‘Learn about lustre’ day on August 14th, but I have high hopes. It will then be auctioned and the result split between the maker and the rhinos.


Covid Restrictions Continue

The latest extension of the Covid restrictions mean that we cannot hold our Learn about Lustre day as planned on July 17th. I would like to move it to August 14th or even September 18th. I have written to those who have booked, but one or two places might become available. Do get in touch if you are able to attend either of these dates- of course first refusal goes to those already signed up.

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